1 BTC = 56780.99USD

1 XMR = 150.6USD

10 counterfeit $20 dollar bills - passes pen test
Price:50.00 USD
Seller location:United States
Ships to (seller):Worldwide
Ships to (product):Worldwide
Quantity in stock:3
Dead drop:No

We are not responsible for what you choose to do with our product these
are almost perfect looking counterfeit bills.

All of these bills are the 2013 Series which is much more common all other
vendors selling similar products use the 2006 Series which is less common
and will require you age them much more. These truly are works of art and I
guarantee you will not find a better product ANYWHERE else.

You will receive 10 Bills with this Order.

Sec Features Included
Same type of paper used by US Treasury. 75% Cotton 25% Linen Also treated
with similar chemical for added realism.
Passes Pen Test
Red and Blue Fibers
Non Repeating Serial Numbers
Same Serial Number Font and Alignment and Color
Different Bureau of Printing and Engraving Quadrant and Plate Numbers in
each corner of each bill
Identical Colors and print quality in direct sunlight and under bright

Sec Features NOT included
Security Strip and Watermark. Watermark can be added with watermark ink
and rubber stamp.
OVI and UV Ink. Can be added manually with Green UV Marker and Glitter Pens
Infrared/Magnetic/Raised Ink. Raised Ink can be added with powdered glass
and glue stick.
We cannot add these security features in right now as they are too time
consuming to do so.

These Bills do not require treatment to be used like all other vendors
however for added realism I recommend a very light coat of Krylon and
Surfboard Wax without them they still feel practically the same and your
mark will not notice the difference with some crinkling.


Please format your shipping address like this

Your Name Fake names may cause problems
Your Street Address
Apartment Number or P.O. Box
City State Zip code

Shipping cost is 8.00 USD
Shipping with take 2-4 Business Days
Domestic US Only
Only ship Via USPS Priority Shipping
All Packages are shipped with tracking tracking will only be provided
upon request and only if you have a pgp key in your profile as we mandate
tracking number encryption you can request your tracking number at any
given time after it has been shipped.
Once we ship your order there is no requesting a cancellation
Encrypting shipping information is recommended but not required Privnote
is accepted
We take no responsibility if given a fake or non existent address
All sales are final and there will be no returns or refunds for completed
sales. See Refund policy for info on what we do and do not cover.

By ordering you hereby agree to these terms.

We do not do returns
All shipped sales are final
No Refunds if tracking shows any of these
Left at door or mailbox or porch or to a person etc. Anything showing it was
Address not deliverable. Usually because a mistake on your end with
providing wrong information
Return to Sender

bills OR You got caught passing them

If tracking does not show up at all on USPS.com your order is eligible for
a refund provided enough time was given to show that the package was lost.
By ordering you hereby agree to these terms.

We do not do returns
All shipped sales are final
No Refunds if tracking shows any of these
Left at door or mailbox or porch or to a person etc. Anything showing it was
Address not deliverable. Usually because a mistake on your end with
providing wrong information
Return to Sender

bills OR You got caught passing them

If tracking does not show up at all on USPS.com your order is eligible for
a refund provided enough time was given to show that the package was lost.

Comments (2)
a***********: good shipping and came with extras! thanks
e*****: Not worth it!!!!!! I have used a ton of bills in my time and these are by far the worse. Boarders and sizing are all *****ed. There is even a white edge around the bottom. Just looks sloppy and rushed.

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