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pure scopolamine devil's breath burundanga
Price:100.00 USD
Seller location:Worldwide
Ships to (seller):Worldwide
Ships to (product):Worldwide
Category:Common Raw Drugs
Quantity in stock:45
Dead drop:No


If you have not seen the VICE documentary regarding scopolamine, check it out:

I highly recommend a milligram scale or preferably a microgram scale for dosing. Use gloves and a respirator when handling,
even a tiny spec on your hands or inhaled can result in unpleasant side effects.

Scopolamine’s illegitimate uses are far more interesting then its authorized uses. In one common scenario, a person will be offered
a soda or drink laced with the substance. The next thing the person remembers is waking up miles away, extremely groggy and with
absolutely no memory of what happened. Generally, the person soon discovers that they are missing jewellery, money, car keys, and
sometimes, they even discover that they have made multiple bank withdrawals. Little do they realize, they did this all on their own
free will, or at least on their assailants free will. Scopolamine seems to be used more in robbery, as it can be blown into the
victim’s face and they won’t remember anything. When it is used for ***** it's largely used on university coeds. Users of this drug
often report distorted vision, more specifically, things being made wide and small, or other people heads starting to stretch.
Scopolamine traps your consciousness. Its like chemical hypnosis. The drug works by blocking a key chemicalin the brain known as
acetylcholine. Thats the neurotransmitter which is essential for normal memory.There is NO way to remember events, because
it blocks of memory don't even make it into the brain matter.

Dosage Guidelines:
0.33mg orally for combatting sea sickness
5mg to 10mg for a zombifying effect, some people may have a higher tolerance, so if you don't see the desired effect
in 30 to 45 minutes, increase by another 5mg.

Lethal Dosage:
The lethal dose is indicated by LD50 the lethal dosage with a 50 percent chance of death According to Dr. Duke's Phytochemical
and Ethnobotanical Databases the LD50 for scopolamine in adult rats intravenously 250gram weight is 17mg/kg. If we take
the same ratio, the LD50 for a 75kg human would be 1.125grams.

Methods of Administration:
Scopolamine can be taken orally, it can be insufflated, taken intravenously, subdermally, and transdermally.
It readily passes through mucous membranes.

It is soluble in water and has no taste or smell.


1. Used as truth serum in interrogations.
2. Used for 'free will elimination as reported by ViceTV by making people open to suggestion.
3. Because scopolamine depresses the central nervous system, it is used as a sedative prior to anesthesia, but can also be used
to treat various disorders characterized by restlessness and agitation, such as delirium tremens, psychosis, manias, and
Parkinson's disease.


Its primary use is for the treatment of sea sickness, used by scuba divers and recreational boaters.

Scopolamine has been tested as a topical treatment for Aquagenic pruritus and was shown in several cases to be effective.

The drug has been reported as used by astronauts including those on Skylab for the treatment of motion sickness

Transdermal scopolamine patches are sometimes used to help control excessive saliva and drooling in patients with ALS

Scopolomine is also used for mild sedation and saliva management in end of life care as an adjunct to other comfort medications.

In October 2006, researchers at the US National Institute of Mental Health found that scopolamine reduced symptoms of depression
within a few days, and the improvement lasted for at least a week after switching to a placebo.

Intravenously administered scopolamine has been found to be effective against major depressive disorder. A phase II clinical
trial of its efficacy against both major depressive disorder and depression due to bipolar disorder when administered via
transdermal patches was scheduled to finish in September 2013.


memory loss
anterograde amnesia
dry mouth
blurred vision
dilated pupils
difficulty urinating
eye pain
rapid pulse
ONLY if their is an error on our end.

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