1 BTC = 56854.07USD

1 XMR = 150.35USD

ketamine s-isomer high quality 1 gram
Price:22.54 USD
Seller location:Germany
Ships to (seller):Worldwide
Ships to (product):Worldwide
Quantity in stock:974
Dead drop:No

Coffeshop's Ketamine S-isomer

-High Quality Ketamine
- no caffeine
-one time 100% reship to europe or 50 % refund
-50% reship or 25% refund for orders outside of Europe
-The customer must have completed three positive orders
in the past to qualify for our refunding program.

Countries that are unfortunately expelled from our refunding program are United-States, Canada, India, Thailand, South-America, Australia, New Zealand, United Emirates, turkey.

Comments (6)
c**********: Fast delivery and good quality
c**********: Sorry for the late review, good quality and fast delivery can only recommend!
p*****: Very good seller with serious stealth and good products
c**********: Fast shipping. A+
w*******: very clean like 98-99%, fast deliver 2dd
l***: Order came so fast, secure and discrete. Very good seller.

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