1 BTC = 56764.77USD

1 XMR = 150.79USD

military consulting - 1 year initial payment
Price:300,000.00 USD
Seller location:Zimbabwe
Ships to (seller):Worldwide
Ships to (product):Worldwide
Category:Foreign partnerships
Quantity in stock:6
Dead drop:No

Having provided consultancy for military, paramilitary, and police organizations in multiple foreign countries, the consultancy services of Andreas Rybak are now available for clients to pursue. Whether you seek assistance in tactical development, in the building up of military infrastructure, or in establishment of local utilities, his consultancy can help you bolster or develop your military organization. Suggested clients include private military companies, government militia groups, third-world militaries, or other military, paramilitary, or police organizations where budgets are tight and the most must be done with locally available resources.

Said consultancy may begin either through digital means or, in special circumstances, through personal meetings. Either will require information from the customer regarding available resources.

Andreas Rybak has the right to refuse providing services to any organization designated globally as a terrorist group pursuant to UN resolutions 1267 (1999) 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) concerning Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Daesh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities. Your money will not be refunded should you be a part of such an organization.
Yearly policy may be cancelled at any time. A mandatory 3 months($300000) will be owed at minimum, with cancellation of the contract prior to the end of the year, concluding in the number of months and days rounded up to the nearest full month being owed at time of service termination.

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